
  • 放射線医学総合研究所HIMACのSB2コースにて


We work on studies of nuclear structures of unstable nuclei and nucleosynthesis using accelerators.
We use the Tandem accelerator facility in University of Tsukuba, “Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba” (HIMAC) in “National Institutes for Quantum and Radiational Science and Technology” (NIRS), and “RI Beam Factory” (RIBF) in “Institute of Physical and Chemical Research” (RIKEN) for the experiments.

In addition to nuclear physics, you can learn about various things associating the experiments such like developments of experimental devices, operation of accelerators, and data analysis in our lab.

There are many unknown things in unstable nuclei. We are welcome your join to our lab, if you have interesting to developments of experimental devices and unstable nuclei which are not exists in the nature.